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Napla N. Nuance Spray 3 細緻輕盈造型噴霧180g



The fine mist firmly maintains the desired movement and volume. It also creates a fluffy look without stiffening. Spray an appropriate amount on the areas where you want to maintain hair flow and movement, then shape with your fingertips. .輕柔霧化的空氣包裹著頭髮,絕妙的髮束細微差別,完美調整出自然髮流 .髮絲不會變得乾硬,可重覆用手整理理想髮型,充滿空氣感的造型噴霧 .中度的造型力,白茉莉及鈴蘭香氣 使用方法: 使用前請先均勻搖晃,並垂直使用 噴向頭髮,用手整理出理想造型即可

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