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Vivltone STOP Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 控油防脱洗髮水 500ml



親膚性系列、PH4.5—5.5配方、有效去除多餘油脂、平衡頭皮及頭髮酸鹼度、保持平穩狀態減少脱髮、同時滋養髮根毛囊、使頭髮日漸粗壯!「使用時須輕輕按摩頭皮2分鐘、切忌用熱水沖洗、連續使用脫髮數量明顯減 少 3 大功能 1. 去除多餘油脂,平衡頭皮及頭髮酸鹼值。 2. 有效減少掉髮數量,保持平穩正常狀態。 3.滋養髮根毛嚢,使頭髮漸進粗壯。 用法: 1. 用溫水洗頭,用手指尖輕輕按摩 3 分鐘(必須動作)。 2. 按摩完後用溫水沖洗乾淨即可(切忌用熱水沖洗)。 3. 短髮者,可不用護髮素。長髮者,請離開髮根 2 寸用護髮素(盡量避免護髮素接觸頭皮)


3 Functions 
1. Removes excessive oil and pH balancing. 
2. Prevents hair loss and maintains hair in normal condition. 

3. Conditioning not necessary for short hair. For long hair, keep a distance of 2 inches from hair roots during conditioning (avoid contact with scalp). 

1. After washing with warm water, massage shampoo gently with fingers onto scalp and hair for 3 minutes.

2. Rinse thoroughly with warm water after massage (Do not use hot water). 
3. Conditioning not necessary for short hair. For long hair, keep a distance of 2 inches from hair roots during conditioning (avoid contact with scalp). 

Ingredient :HHG

In general, obvious cut down in oil secretion can be felt after 4~6 times usage. Obviously reduces hair loss after 7~10 times usage.
